Cruise the Blues
Since 2004, we have hosted a mountain biking and music event on our farm called Cruise the Blues. A long-standing tradition, Cruise the Blues is a family-friendly event in which riders can compete in a wide array of categories during the day and then enjoy live music and BBQ in the evening. Cruise the Blues helps our farm promote a strong relationship within the community. Click here to register.
Our farm is a diverse grain and forage production farm. The primary crops we grow are winter wheat, corn, soybeans, grain sorghum, alfalfa, and prairie hay with an occasional field of various other grain and forage crops. After nearly 30 years of permanent No-Till production practices, we enjoy the many benefits that this system has provided our farm which include increased operating efficiencies, healthier soils, and numerous environmental and social benefits.

We manage our cow-calf herd and Katahdin hair sheep flocks in a manner that is low-stress for the animals and our employees. Our animals are bred to calve and lamb in the warmer spring months. We utilize both native perennials as well as newly seeded perennial mixes and some annual forages to feed the animals year around out on the landscape.